
On elec­tron­ic instru­ments such as the Bol Processor asso­ci­at­ed with Csound, micro­tonal­i­ty is the mat­ter of "micro­ton­al tun­ing", here mean­ing the con­struc­tion of musi­cal scales out­side the con­ven­tion­al one(s) …
Just intonation: a general framework
A frame­work for con­struct­ing scales (tun­ing sys­tems) refer­ring to just into­na­tion in both clas­si­cal Indian and Western approach­es …
The two-vina experiment
A com­pre­hen­sive inter­pre­ta­tion of the exper­i­ment of the two vinas described in Chapter XXVIII.24 of the Natya Shastra …
Melodic types of Hindustan
A scan of Bose, N.D. Melodic Types of Hindustan. Jaico, Bombay 1960 …
A Mathematical Model of the Shruti-Swara-Grama-Murcchana-Jati System
A scan of Arnold, E.J. A Mathematical mod­el of the Shruti-Swara-Grama-Murcchana-Jati System …
A Mathematical Discussion of the Ancient Theory of Scales according to Natyashastra
Bernard Bel Note interne, Groupe Représentation et Traitement des Connaissances (CNRS), Marseille 1988. Download this paper
Raga intonation
This arti­cle demon­strates the the­o­ret­i­cal and prac­ti­cal con­struc­tion of micro­ton­al scales for the into­na­tion of North Indian ragas …
Creation of just-intonation scales
The pro­ce­dure for export­ing just-intonation scales from murcchana-s of Ma-grama …
A multicultural model of consonance
A frame­work for tun­ing just-intonation scales via two series of fifths
Image cre­at­ed by Bol Processor based on a mod­el by …
Comparing temperaments
Images of tem­pered scales cre­at­ed by the Bol Processor The fol­low­ing are Bol Processor + Csound inter­pre­ta­tions of J.-S. Bach's …
Polymetric structures
Polymetric expres­sions are the basic rep­re­sen­ta­tion mod­el for the tim­ing of musi­cal data in the Bol Processor …
Rationalizing musical time: syntactic and symbolic-numeric approaches
Symbolic-numerical approach­es lead to effi­cient and ele­gant solu­tions of con­straint sat­is­fac­tion prob­lems with respect to sym­bol­ic and phys­i­cal dura­tions, …
At the heart of Indian rhythms and their evolution
An inter­view with James Kippen by Antoine Bourgeau …
Au cœur des rythmes indiens
Entretien avec James Kippen, par Antoine Bourgeau …
Bach well-tempered tonal analysis
Tonal analy­sis of the com­plete set of pre­ludes and fugues by J.S. Bach in "The Well-tempered Clavier" …
The Well-tempered Clavier
The com­plete set of pre­ludes and fugues by J.S. Bach known as The Well-tempered Clavier, books II and II, inter­pret­ed with pre­sum­ably "opti­mal" tun­ing schemes …
Time-setting of sound-objects
This paper deals with the sched­ul­ing of “sound-objects”, here­by mean­ing pre­de­fined sequences of ele­men­tary tasks in a sound proces­sor, with each task mapped to a time-point …
Pattern grammars
Bol Processor gram­mars are char­ac­ter­i­sa­tions of sequen­tial events in terms of sub­string rep­e­ti­tions, homo­mor­phisms, etc. Parsing tech­niques, sto­chas­tic pro­duc­tion and recent devel­op­ments of BP gram­mars are briefly described …
Modelling music with grammars
A lin­guis­tic mod­el of tabla impro­vi­sa­tion and eval­u­a­tion derived from pat­tern lan­guages and for­mal gram­mars has been imple­ment­ed in the Bol Processor, a soft­ware sys­tem used in inter­ac­tive field­work with expert musi­cians …

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