A multiplatform Bol Processor

Bol Processor 2.9.8 (Mac ver­sion) had been around for eight years and required very few bug fix­es. However, it had to be com­plete­ly rebuilt to work with MacOS 10.15 (Catalina) and future ver­sions: only 64-bit appli­ca­tions are allowed. The high­est sys­tem ver­sion sup­port­ing BP 2.9.8 was MacOS 10.14 (Mojave).

The graph­i­cal inter­face was com­plete­ly redesigned for this pur­pose. We decid­ed to devel­op a con­sole serv­er appli­ca­tion that receives instruc­tions via com­mand lines. At the time of writ­ing, the new appli­ca­tion is work­ing, although some fea­tures such as real-time MIDI have not yet been imple­ment­ed. We are pleased to report that it suc­cess­ful­ly com­piled on many sys­tems includ­ing MacOS, Linux and Windows with both 32-bit and 64-bit Intel proces­sors! This was a big step towards a multi-platform version.

This new appli­ca­tion (BP3) is being test­ed with a graph­ic user inter­face pro­grammed in PHP. This requires a web serv­er on which to run, but it allows any­one with a web brows­er to try out BP3 with­out installing any­thing (fol­low this link).

We are now plan­ning to cre­ate a stand­alone ver­sion of BP3 that will run in MacOS, Windows and Linux envi­ron­ments. This step is with­in our reach using the PHP Desktop plat­form. We need the help of programmer(s) who are famil­iar with this environment!

We invite soft­ware design­ers to join the team and con­tribute to the devel­op­ment of the core appli­ca­tion and its client appli­ca­tions. Please join the BP users help forum , BP open dis­cus­sion forum and/or the BP devel­op­ers list to stay in touch with the progress of the work and to dis­cuss relat­ed musi­cal or theoretical/technical issues.

2 Replies to “A multiplatform Bol Processor”

  1. Dear Madam, Sir,
    I would like, please to the BP devel­op­ers list to stay in touch with work progress and dis­cus­sions of relat­ed the­o­ret­i­cal & prac­ti­cal issues and to stay in touch with work progress and dis­cus­sions of relat­ed the­o­ret­i­cal issues.

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