➡ We are looking for a suitable platform to compile standalone versions of Bol Processor BP3.
The Bol Processor BP3 is currently comprised of a console (written in C language) and a set of PHP/HTML/CSS/Javascript files that act as its interface. A console version of Csound can also be attached. For detailed installation instructions, please refer to the Bol Processor ‘BP3’ and its PHP interface page.
It all works beautifully in a design that is compatible with multiple 64-bit systems: MacOS, Linux and Windows. However it does require the installation of an Apache+PHP package to run the interface. (We are currently using the free version of MAMP on Mac computers to develop the BP3 interface.)
The next phase of the project will involve the creation of a standalone application that will replace the web browser and its associated PHP/HTML/CSS files. The application will be available in three versions, for Linux, MacOS and Windows.
Over the past two decades, a number of platforms have been developed for building desktop applications that emulate the behaviour of a web browser. While most of these seem to have been abandoned, or at least not updated for years, we are confident that PHP Desktop will be eligible for this process.
We require an urgent evaluation of the ability of PHP Desktop (in its current Linux implementation) to compile a standalone version of the Bol Processor interface. We are seeking to engage a programmer for this specific task. Please contact us to discuss the terms of collaboration.
Please find below a list of requirements for the PHP/HTML/CSS/JavaScript interface. Should you have alternative solutions, please provide links in the comments at the bottom of this page or via the Contact page.
- Display a HTML/PHP page using links to its CSS file(s)
- Support the "require_once()" procedure to bind several PHP pages together
- Support all types of HTML "<input>" instructions: fields, buttons, checkboxes etc.
- Support "$_GET" and "$_POST" to handle forms
- Support PHP "open()" instruction to create/update text files
- Support PHP "exec()" instruction to send commands to the console
- Support multi-tag or multi-window work space
- Support Javascript "window.open()" to create pop-up windows
- Support HTML CANVAS graphics and PHP GD graphics
- Support the HTML Audio tag to stream WAV sound files
- Preferably imbedding Chrome browser
Please be aware that no MySQL database or SESSION variables are used in the interface. Any temporary data is stored in files that are automatically deleted when no longer required.
A global variable "$which_system" can be set at the beginning of the PHP code to compile desktop applications running on different systems. The minimum system versions that should be supported are MacOS 10.14 (Mojave), Windows 10, and Linux ≥ January 2019.