Related work

Raga intonation
This arti­cle demon­strates the the­o­ret­i­cal and prac­ti­cal con­struc­tion of micro­ton­al scales for the into­na­tion of North Indian ragas …
Creation of just-intonation scales
The pro­ce­dure for export­ing just-intonation scales from murcchana-s of Ma-grama …
A multicultural model of consonance
A frame­work for tun­ing just-intonation scales via two series of fifths
Image cre­at­ed by Bol Processor based on a mod­el by …
Comparing temperaments
Images of tem­pered scales cre­at­ed by the Bol Processor The fol­low­ing are Bol Processor + Csound inter­pre­ta­tions of J.-S. Bach's …
Polymetric structures
Polymetric expres­sions are the basic rep­re­sen­ta­tion mod­el for the tim­ing of musi­cal data in the Bol Processor …
Rationalizing musical time: syntactic and symbolic-numeric approaches
Symbolic-numerical approach­es lead to effi­cient and ele­gant solu­tions of con­straint sat­is­fac­tion prob­lems with respect to sym­bol­ic and phys­i­cal dura­tions, …
At the heart of Indian rhythms and their evolution
An inter­view with James Kippen by Antoine Bourgeau …
Au cœur des rythmes indiens
Entretien avec James Kippen, par Antoine Bourgeau …
Bach well-tempered tonal analysis
Tonal analy­sis of the com­plete set of pre­ludes and fugues by J.S. Bach in "The Well-tempered Clavier" …
The Well-tempered Clavier
The com­plete set of pre­ludes and fugues by J.S. Bach known as The Well-tempered Clavier, books II and II, inter­pret­ed with pre­sum­ably "opti­mal" tun­ing schemes …
Time-setting of sound-objects
This paper deals with the sched­ul­ing of “sound-objects”, here­by mean­ing pre­de­fined sequences of ele­men­tary tasks in a sound proces­sor, with each task mapped to a time-point …
Pattern grammars
Bol Processor gram­mars are char­ac­ter­i­sa­tions of sequen­tial events in terms of sub­string rep­e­ti­tions, homo­mor­phisms, etc. Parsing tech­niques, sto­chas­tic pro­duc­tion and recent devel­op­ments of BP gram­mars are briefly described …
Modelling music with grammars
A lin­guis­tic mod­el of tabla impro­vi­sa­tion and eval­u­a­tion derived from pat­tern lan­guages and for­mal gram­mars has been imple­ment­ed in the Bol Processor, a soft­ware sys­tem used in inter­ac­tive field­work with expert musi­cians …
A list of key pub­li­ca­tions relat­ed to the Bol Processor …

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