Typical application
Select candidate rules in a generative grammar randomly and apply them to the workstring until there is no more candidate rule.
To stop the process it is necessary to scan the entire grammar and make sure that there is no more candidate rule. Each time the workstring has changed, the "candidate / non candidate" status of each rule in the grammar may vary. Since scanning "N" rules in the grammar is time consuming, it is preferable to do it only after "maxtry" unsuccessful attempts to find a candidate. The problem investigated here is to find a minimum "maxtry" making it almost sure that there is no more candidate.
Related problem
Sometimes a selected rule must be applied repeatedly until it is no more candidate. If the position of derivation in the workstring is random then the problem amounts to selecting one amongst "candidate" or "non candidate" positions in a set whose cardinal "N" is the length of the workstring.
To summarize…
The two examples above may be abstracted to the repeated random selection of an item in a set containg N items. The algorithm of a general procedure is given below. The problem is to evaluate "maxtry" so that in the worst case the probability of heuristic [2] being true is greater than a given probability "p".
ScanSet() Return number of candidate items; FoundItem() Select an item; Return "yes" if item is candidate, "no" otherwise; Procedure() Evaluate maxtry; Start: nb_candidates = ScanSet(); if (nb_candidates = 0) exit; if (nb_candidates = 1) Use candidate item found; Go to Start; [Heuristic 1: if there was a unique candidate item then next time there should be less than two.] Again: repeat with try = 1 to maxtry if (FoundItem()) then Use candidate item found; Go to Again; [Heuristic 2: if try < maxtry there may still be candidate items.] Go to Start;
Let "k" be the number of candidate items. The probability to find a candidate item after (maxtry-1) unsuccessful attempts is:
1 - (1 - k/N)^maxtry
If k = 1 then the Scan() procedure will find the unique candidate item. Therefeore the worst case is k = 2 and the condition is:
1 - (1 - 2/N)^maxtry > p
maxtry > Log(1 - p) / Log(1 - 2/N)
i.e., if 2/N is much smaller than 1,
maxtry > - N/2 Log(1 - p)
In Bol Processor, we imposed p = 0.64 so that maxtry > N/2.
Indeed, this method is only valid if items have equal weights.