
Harm Visser's examples
A pre­sen­ta­tion and dis­cus­sion of a few exam­ples com­posed on the Bol Processor by Harm Visser in 1998 …
Interactive improvisation with sound-objects
An inter­ac­tive BP2 gram­mar using sub­sti­tu­tion rules to cre­ate a uni­di­men­sion­al cel­lu­lar automa­ton …
A polyrhyth­mic piece "765432" com­posed by Andréine Bel for her CRONOS dance pro­duc­tion (1994) illus­trates the use of unde­ter­mined rests …
Dwaram Venkataswamy Naidu playing a violin
A com­po­si­tion in Carnatic musi­cal style by Kumar S. Subramanian, June 1995 …
Grammar "-gr.ShapesInRhythm" was com­posed by Andréine Bel for her CRONOS dance pro­duc­tion (1994) …
Sarasvati vina
Full descrip­tion of a musi­cal phrase com­posed in 1995 by Srikumar Karaikudi Subramanian with the Bol Processor and Csound …
Dice animation
Bol Processor's imple­men­ta­tion of a musi­cal dice game attrib­uted to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart …
Importing MusicXML scores
Importing MusicXML scores to Bol Processor BP3 …
Comparing temperaments
Images of tem­pered scales cre­at­ed by the Bol Processor The fol­low­ing are Bol Processor + Csound inter­pre­ta­tions of J.-S. Bach's …
The Well-tempered Clavier
The com­plete set of pre­ludes and fugues by J.S. Bach known as The Well-tempered Clavier, books II and II, inter­pret­ed with pre­sum­ably "opti­mal" tun­ing schemes …

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