Bol Processor Universal Binary in progress

We have begun the process of cre­at­ing a Universal Binary of BP2 so that the pro­gram will run native­ly on all Macintosh com­put­ers, PowerPC or Intel-based. Bol Processor will then run at full speed on all sup­port­ed machines and we will be able to take advan­tage of new­er fea­tures of OS X. As part of this process, we are switch­ing to build­ing BP2 with Apple's free Xcode tools instead of Metrowerks CodeWarrior. This should make it much eas­i­er for oth­er devel­op­ers to con­tribute to the project. If you are inter­est­ed in help­ing with devel­op­ment or test­ing, please con­tact us on the BP devel­op­ment mail­ing list. More infor­ma­tion is avail­able in the forums.

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