Posted on 2020-09-052020-09-06 by Bernard BelTutorials A beginner's tutorial Harm Visser's introduction to the usage of grammars in Bol Processor …Read More Time patterns (smooth time) A simple grammar illustrating the use of time-patterns in smooth time …Read More Reference manual (BP2.9.8) The complete reference manual for version 2 of the Bol Processor …Read More Bol Processor ‘BP3’ and its PHP interface The PHP interface gives access to Bol Processor BP3 in MacOS, Linux and Windows environments …Read More Csound checkup Checking the association of Bol Processor (BP2 and BP3) with Csound …Read More Csound objects The creation of Csound scores based on sound-objects containing Csound instructions …Read More Misc. grammar controls The following short examples illustrate the usage of specific controls of the inference mechanism in grammars of …Read More Csound tuning in BP3 This page deals with the Bol Processor BP3 using an updated version of the Csound orchestra file …Read More Continuous parameters in Csound scores Explaining the design of Csound scores containing instructions to control parameters that may vary continuously …Read More Microtonality On electronic instruments such as the Bol Processor, microtonality is the matter of "microtonal tuning", here meaning the construction of musical scales outside the conventional one(s) …Read More Just intonation: a general framework A framework for constructing scales (tuning systems) referring to just intonation in both classical Indian and Western approaches …Read More Raga intonation This article demonstrates the theoretical and practical construction of microtonal scales for the intonation of North Indian ragas …Read More Importing MusicXML scores Importing MusicXML scores to Bol Processor BP3 …Read More Polymetric structures Polymetric expressions are the basic representation model for the timing of musical data in the Bol Processor …Read More Flags in grammars Flags can be used in grammars to activate/deactivate rules according to simple numerical and logical evaluations …Read More 12›