Quick install Windows


This is a sup­ple­ment to the page Bol Processor ‘BP3’ and its PHP inter­face.

A one-click installer of Bol Processor BP3 is avail­able. It is called "BolProcessorInstaller.exe" and it can be down­loaded here (unique location).

This installer is used for both ini­tial instal­la­tion and updates. Each time you run it, it will down­load the lat­est ver­sions of the BP3 con­sole source files, the inter­face PHP files and the sam­ple set con­tained in the 'ctests' fold­er. Data, gram­mars and scripts that you've cre­at­ed will not be delet­ed. However, if you have mod­i­fied files in the 'ctests' fold­er, they will be revert­ed to the dis­tri­b­u­tion version. 

First install MAMP or XAMPP

The (free) MAMP device run­ning on Windows 10 (July 2024). Note that Apache Server is active. You can click "Open WebStart Page" to check that it is effective.

If you try to run the installer, it will first check that a local Apache serv­er (MAMP or XAMPP) has been installed. Both are suit­able since the Bol Processor inter­face con­tains exclu­sive­ly HTML, PHP and JavaScript code. No data­base is required. 

if you choose the (free) MAMP ver­sion, both MAMP and MAMP PRO will be installed, and the inter­face will occa­sion­al­ly prompt you to "upgrade" to MAMP PRO. But you don't need it for the Bol Processor!

For MAMP on Windows, the "htdocs" fold­er is in "C:\MAMP".
For XAMPP on Windows, the "htdocs" fold­er is in "C:\xampp". (To be verified)

If you want Apache to start auto­mat­i­cal­ly when you start your com­put­er, this process is easy with MAMP, but a bit more com­plex with XAMPP: try this method,

Compile the 'bp.exe' console

After installing MAMP or XAMPP, run the installer "BolProcessorInstaller.exe" down­loaded here . In case both MAMP and XAMPP are installed (a bad idea!) the installer will choose MAMP.

Now start MAMP or XAMPP and point your brows­er at localhost/bolprocessor/php/. This will dis­play the home page of Bol Processor BP3.

If you see this frame in the image at the top right of the page, your life will be easy!

All you have to do is click on the link to com­pile the con­sole, which will take a minute or two.

If the frame says that 'gcc' is not respond­ing (see pic­ture) you need to install MinGW. This is the main draw­back of Windows: its default instal­la­tion does not han­dle 'gcc' (the stan­dard C com­pil­er). You need 'gcc' to com­pile the Bol Processor con­sole, and per­haps oth­er appli­ca­tions to come. So, install MinGW, care­ful­ly fol­low­ing instruc­tions on this page. It is sim­ple, but you shouldn't miss a step!

Once 'gcc' is respond­ing, reload the Bol Processor home page and click on the link to com­pile the console.

Install Csound

Csound is not required to run the Bol Processor, as you can work with MIDI files and real-time MIDI. However, it will give you access to a dif­fer­ent approach to sound syn­the­sis, and it will han­dle micro­tonal­i­ty.

Just down­load a pre-built instal­la­tion of Csound from its down­load page. Select "64bit Full Installer 6.18.1".

A frame ask­ing you to cor­rect the path to Csound. This is the default path for Windows 10, by the way. We tricked the inter­face into say­ing it was wrong!

The BP3 inter­face will be able to fig­ure out the loca­tion of "csound.exe" and fix its path accord­ing­ly. If it does not respond, you will be asked to change the path and per­haps the name of the Csound con­sole (see image). Once it works after a mod­i­fi­ca­tion, please con­tact us so that we can update the default paths and names of Csound in your instal­la­tion of Windows.

😀  Now, the Bol Processor is ful­ly operational!

You can try exam­ples con­tained in the "ctests" fold­er, or fol­low the guid­ed tour on the page Bol Processor ‘BP3’ and its PHP inter­face.

Updating to new versions

To update the Bol Processor con­sole, its PHP inter­face and exam­ples (the con­tents of the "ctests" fold­er), sim­ply rerun the instal­la­tion. It will down­load and install the lat­est ver­sions of the soft­ware and data. It will delete the com­piled "bp.exe" con­sole and prompt you to recom­pile it (with a sin­gle click).

The installer will not mod­i­fy or delete any data you have cre­at­ed in the "ctests" fold­er or out­side it. However, if you have mod­i­fied a sam­ple file with­out chang­ing its name, it will be revert­ed to its dis­tri­b­u­tion version.


You are right to be con­cerned about secu­ri­ty. Can you be sure that you have down­loaded the cor­rect ver­sion of "BolProcessorInstaller.exe"?

The size of this file is exact­ly 1810811 bytes and its MD5 is
62b8ae3f5555a46dcf6f6aec118e59cd. You can calculate the MD5 on this page. These numbers will indeed be subject to change with the release of new versions of the installer. Current version: 5 September 2024. Please DO NOT SHARE THE INSTALLER, only its link: https://bolprocessor.org/misc/BolProcessorInstaller.exe

You may also want to know all the details of how it works. Geeks may want to cus­tomise it for their own use. Just down­load this fold­er which con­tains the source files (installer.ps1 and setup.iss) along with a sum­ma­ry of how to build the installer.

For read­ers not con­ver­sant with Windows PowerShell, the fol­low­ing is a descrip­tion of the process in human language:

Check that an Apache serv­er MAMP or XAMPP is installed by find­ing either MAMP\htdocs or xampp\htdocs on the com­put­er (not case-sensitive). If it is not found, exit with the warn­ing that either MAMP or XAMPP should be installed.

Download the lat­est dis­tri­b­u­tion files from GitHub:

Unzip these three files. They cre­ate fold­ers with names:

Create a fold­er named "bol­proces­sor" (if it does not yet exist) inside the "htdocs" fold­er of the Apache server

Copy bolprocessor-graphics-for-BP3/source to htdocs/bolprocessor/
If there is already a "source" fold­er, delete it

Copy bolprocessor-graphics-for-BP3/Makefile to htdocs/bolprocessor/
Copy bolprocessor-graphics-for-BP3/BP2_help.txt to htdocs/bolprocessor/
Copy bolprocessor-graphics-for-BP3/Credits.txt to htdocs/bolprocessor/
Copy bolprocessor-graphics-for-BP3/BP3-To-Do.txt to htdocs/bolprocessor/
Copy bolprocessor-graphics-for-BP3/License.txt to htdocs/bolprocessor/
Copy bolprocessor-graphics-for-BP3/ReadMe.txt to htdocs/bolprocessor/

Copy php-frontend-master/php to htdocs/bolprocessor/
If there is already a "php" fold­er, delete it

Create a fold­er htdocs/bolprocessor/csound_resources if it does not yet exist

Copy the con­tent of php-frontend-master/csound_resources to htdocs/bolprocessor/csound_resources
Files that already exist should be replaced with their updat­ed versions

Create a fold­er htdocs/bolprocessor/ctests if it does not yet exist

Copy the con­tent of bp3-ctests-main to htdocs/bolprocessor/ctests
Files that already exist should be replaced with their updat­ed versions

Delete the tem­po­rary down­load directory

Delete htdocs/bolprocessor/bp.exe if it exists. This ensures that the con­sole is recom­piled after each update.

👉 Note that unlike MacOS and Linux, there is no require­ment to set the per­mis­sions in the "bolprocessor" fold­er to "777".

Uninstall the Bol Processor

Uninstalling the Bol Processor and all the data down­loaded or cre­at­ed for its use, is very sim­ple: delete the "htdocs/bolprocessor" fold­er.

Bernard Bel
August 2024