From: "Bernard Bel"Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 16:12:59 +0200To: "Anthony Kozar"Subject: QAVAIDDear Anthony,Since we are releasing all the material relevant to bol processor, Isuggest that you include the enclosed folder along with the source filesand documentation. It is the QAVAID project that automatically buildsgrammars from a set of examples and then tries to expand the "language"using inductive inference rules. It led to a publication in "Computersand the Humanities" that is enclosed as a PDF file. (This is public-domain and the same paper may be found in a international archive.)Incidently, this might be a good approach for modelling the sequences ofnotes that you find in Gregorian chant...Jim and I had stopped working on this very promising topic just after mythesis in 1990, for two reasons. One was Jim's lack of availabilityafter his appointment at the University of Toronto. The second reasonwas the slowness of the program. It ran in Prolog II, a copy of which isenclosed in the package, though you will not be able to run it with MacOSabove 6 version... But now, 16 years later, computers are 100 timesfaster, Prolog has been compiled, so the environment would be completelydifferent! I had the good idea to save the source code as a plain textdocument, so we get back everything without running Prolog.The only stupid thing in this project is that the Prolog clauses havebeen written in French (for the sake of my thesis). Therefore I suppliedan English users manual.Bernard Bel