Topological properties of sound-objects

Fig.3 Editing topological sound-object properties

OverBeg means that the beginning of the sound-object may overlap the end of an object preceding it in the same sequence. OverEnd means that its end may overlap another object following it in the same sequence. TruncBeg means that the beginning may be truncated if it overlaps an object in the same sequence. TruncEnd means that the end may be truncated if it overlaps an object in the same sequence. These properties (see Fig.3) may also be assigned within absolute or relative limits.

BrkTempo means that the object may "break" the striated structure ( organum).

Continuity properties are shown Fig.4. ContBeg means that the beginning of this object should join (or overlap) the end of a preceding one in the same sequence. ContEnd means the end of this object should join (or overlap) the beginning of a following one. These properties may be compensated with a tolerance for a gap preceding or following the object.

Fig.4 Editing continuity and MIDI properties

MIDI properties (see Fig.4) instruct BP2 how to deal with channel, transposition, articulation, volume and panoramic changes as far as this object is concerned.

Given these sets of properties (stored in the "-mi." file) and a setting of the time base, BP2 will try to set all objects in time. For this it may need to relocate some of the objects that have Reloc or BrkTempo properties, truncate other objects, etc. If there is no solution, BP2 may release some of the constraints. (See operational mode §5.2)