Organising projects

It is important to store related files or their aliases in the same folder so that BP2 finds them immediately. Reserve a special folder to BP2 software, on-line documentation and start-up/shutdown files, as shown Fig.8.

Fig.8 The software folder

MacOS offers an elegant solution for arranging projects: use aliases instead of moving or duplicating files. You may reserve another folder for the basic elements : alphabets, sound-object prototype files, glossaries, etc., as shown Fig.9.

Fig.9 The folder containing basic elements

File names are just indicative and should in general be more explicit. Names in italics are aliases. Here, for instance, an alias "- ho.alphabet1" is required in the same folder as "-gr.grammar1" because the name of this alphabet file appears on top of the grammar file. Similarly, other aliases have been placed near the files calling them. An alias of "-se.startup" is needed in the "Settings" folder so that scripts will execute the "New project" instruction properly.

Note that aliases for BP2 must bear exactly the names by which the files are called when BP2 reads headers. Here we used the same names for aliases and original files, the only way to distinguish them being the italic.

It is advisable to create a separate folder for saving your current work, given that whenever you create new basic elements you will continue storing them in the folders shown Fig.9. A typical example of work folder is shown Fig.10.

Fig.10 A folder for current BP work

Here, Project 1 deals with a grammar (and associated alphabet, etc., files that are automatically loaded), while Project 2 uses only a data file (and associated files). Data files "-da.data1" and "-da.data2" call alphabet, settings, glossary and interactive file, aliases of which have been placed into the "Data" folder.

Some aliases in the "Scripts" folder are shown between brackets because they are only needed if a script calls them directly. Besides, scripts are capable of recording directory and volume changes (see §8).

Data on the demonstration disk is not organised in the rational way explained above, because aliases loose track of their original files if both are moved to a different volume.